Yael Bartana:
The Book of Malka Germania

Book Design. DCV Books & Jewish Museum Berlin, 2022
Hardcover, 24x34 cm, 200 pp. Edited by Shelley Harten & Gregor H. Lersch

The book follows the epiphany of Malka Germania, a female redeemer figure, in five chapters whose layout is modeled on that of the Talmud, the central text in Rabbinical Judaism. This organization reflects the polyphonic complexity, rich nuance, and ambivalence that the work casts into visuals and underscores that there is no simple answer. The book includes an interview with the artist and contributions by Sami Berdugo, Christina von Braun, Michael Brenner, Max Czollek, and others. It is published on occasion of the exhibition Yael Bartana—Redemption Now at the Jewish Museum Berlin. (Photos by DCV Books & Ariel Reichman)

🍒 Collaboration with Gila Kaplan